Improve veld with Biomosome™ seed mixtures PART 3

Improve veld with Biomosome™ seed mixtures PART 3

In the previous edition, the article on veld improvement for game dealt with establishment from planted seed and bringing the plants to maturity in the first season. Management after establishment is the key to harnessing the process of plant succession to optimise...
Improve veld with Biomosome™ seed mixtures PART 2

Improve veld with Biomosome™ seed mixtures PART 2

This is the second in a series of three articles on veld improvement for game. The article in the previous issue dealt with needs assessment. The focus in this article is on establishment, and the final article will cover management after establishment. All three...
Improve veld with Biomosome™ seed mixtures Part 1

Improve veld with Biomosome™ seed mixtures Part 1

This is the first in a series ofthree articles. The focus here is on needs assessment. The second will deal with establishment, and the final will cover management after establishment. Each facet is as important as the others. All three require thorough attention for...