Why Biomosome™?
Biomosome™ seed mixtures have been developed on BIOME principles. The genetics of the seed species are adapted to the conditions of the target environment. Biomosome™ seed mixtures represent a significant advance on the all-purpose veld seed and pasture seed mixtures, which are generally available.

Biomosome™ series
- There are three series for each of the above areas: Reclamation series for eroded areas, old farm roads, severely over grazed veld, mine rehabilitation and civil engineering earth works.
- Indigenous pasture series for conversion of previously cultivated crop land and other previously disturbed land.
- Wildlife series for enhancement of poor and degraded veld.
Considerations affecting choice of series:

Preparation requires loosened soil for fertilizer application, to provide a seedbed and to allow water penetration and aeration. Timing is important, as effective preparation will require that the soil is moist and there must be enough time for the seed to germinate and seedlings establish before the next dry season. Immediately after the soil has been loosened seed is applied on to the tilled areas. The top layer of soil with the superficially applied seed must then be rolled into a firm seedbed.
Aftercare of reclamation
Brush packing will protect the seedlings from being grazed before they have been able to establish and achieve the stabilisation for which they are intended.
Biomosome™ reclamation mixtures are designed to fit into the plant succession process. In due course other species will establish on the sites from seed from surrounding vegetation or otherwise introduced. Management of the succession process is important to maximise the benefit of the rescue effort. Management is equally important to prevent the site from reverting to the formerly degraded state.
Planting Suggestions for Biomosome™ seed mixtures
This product is irritating to the eyes. Eye protection is advisable when handling the seed. Thoroughly mix the contents of each bag immediately before planting, as components are packed separately and settle at different rates with time, handling and transport. Biomosome™ seed mixtures contain species with chaffy seeds. As this hinders the flow of seed in the planting process a spreading agent is advantageous. The seed should be blended with the spreading agent to achieve a uniform mix of seed in the material.
Commonly used spreading agents are river sand, bran, finely sifted kraal manure and a mixture in equal quantity of agricultural lime and granular fertilizer. The latter has the added advantage of visibility of areas seeded. The quantity of spreading agent should be sufficient for smooth flow using the planting method selected. Typically the volume of spreading agent should be equal to the volume of seed being mixed. Mix only as much as will be required on a day of seeding in order that the seed is not damaged by spreading agent in storage.
The seed is packed in bags 5 kg maximum. Before each planting mix the contents of the bag thoroughly. Each bag of seed required for a planting must be blended separately with the spreading agent to maintain the integrity of the composition of species. In larger quantities the components will shift due to differences in shape, texture, size and specific gravity. The soil must be cultivated to achieve an as favourable as possible seedbed. On heavy compacted soil ripping and discing may have to precede surface cultivation. Seeding must be superficial as seed of most of the species require light to germinate. The seed should lie in the top 20 mm of soil and then be immediately rolled in.
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