Whether a protected area is a small retreat, a productive game ranch or a vast reserve, wildlife managers are all faced with the same challenge: how to keep grazing quantity and quality at a sustainable level with limited or no internal fencing. An important approach...
Vegetation types in South Africa, known as biomes, have been delimited according to the following criteria: similarities in plant communities with regard to the occurrence and degree of prevalence of species, structure with regard to height, and the sharing of...
Whether a protected area is a small retreat, a productive game ranch or a vast reserve, wildlife managers are all faced with the same challenge: how to keep grazing quantity and quality at a sustainable level with limited or no internal fencing. An important approach...
The farm Newlands situated in the Mankazana mountains in Bedford District, Eastern Cape Province has recently been converted into a game ranch, fenced with a 2,4 m game fence and amalgamated with the farm Stanley that has been a game ranch for a decade. It’s a simple...
In the previous edition, the article on veld improvement for game dealt with establishment from planted seed and bringing the plants to maturity in the first season. Management after establishment is the key to harnessing the process of plant succession to optimise...